Visiting: What to Expect

Your visit to the Fetal Heart Center includes:

  • A fetal echocardiogram and analysis by a fetal cardiologist specializing in fetal heart defects.
  • Consultation with the fetal cardiologist, with ample time for questions and answers.
  • Ongoing patient education and coordination of resources by a dedicated Fetal Heart Center nurse coordinator.
  • Consultations with St. Louis Children’s Hospital services, as needed, including cardiothoracic surgery, neonatology, and social services.
  • An individualized tour of our facilities, including Newborn ICU, the inpatient Heart Center, and the Ronald McDonald Family Room.  We explain in detail what to expect throughout your child’s hospitalization.

If a heart defect is identified, our fetal heart team works closely with you and your OB/GYN to begin planning your care, starting with options for delivery.  If your baby requires surgery, our team of pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons can perform even the most complex surgery for congenital heart disease in one of our dedicated cardiac surgical operating rooms.  Our patients are followed by a comprehensive team of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, dietitians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, social workers, child life therapists-- all with specific education and clinical expertise in caring for heart patients.