Visiting: What to Expect

Your daughter's first visit to the gynecologist should be a positive experience. All examinations conducted are age-appropriate and are provided by a sensitive and caring specialist. Educational resources are available for patients and their families. All physicians and staff make special efforts to explain tests, treatments and procedures. All patients and their families are encouraged to ask questions.

Pediatric gynecologic exams

The gynecologic examination of a child is completely different from that of an adult. The prepubertal child is susceptible to injuries and infections that are unique because of the unestrogenized state of the tissues of the introitus, hymen and vagina.

We have expertise in the variations of normal prepubertal anatomy and physiology, as well as the ability to communicate both with the infant or child, and her parents. Examinations take place in a manner that is reassuring, non-threatening and without discomfort. The department has special instruments and equipment that allow us to examine young children and teens.

Adolescent gynecologic exams

Adolescents also have special needs in their examination, especially if this is a first pelvic examination. The first examination is a golden opportunity to educate young patients about the breast and pelvic examination, answer questions about development, and provide medical reassurances, and information about issues of health and sexuality. The department provides abstinence counseling, as well as contraceptive counseling and pregnancy prevention strategies.

Our team is skilled in the medical evaluation and surgical management and correction of gynecologic disorders of this age group. Laparoscopy for evaluation of abdominal masses, pelvic pain and pelvic endometriosis; laser surgery; vaginoscopy for removal of foreign objects, and assessment of bleeding and injuries; and colposcopy for evaluation of abnormal bleeding and abnormal pap smears are available for young patients.