Conditions & Treatments

  • Treatment

    Stroke and Cerebrovascular Program

    Go to the emergency room if your child has signs or symptoms of a stroke, including any of the following sudden changes: ...

  • Condition

    Structural Abnormalities: Deletions (Cri du Chat) and Duplications (Pallister Killian)

    What are structural chromosome abnormalities? Structural chromosome abnormalities occur when there is a change in the structure or parts of a chromosome. The total number of chromosomes is typically 46 total per cell. Structural chromosome abnormalities occur when part of a chromosome is missing, a ...

  • Condition

    Sturge-Weber Disease

    Since Sturge-Weber Disease is a lifelong condition that is not curable, the focus is on medically managing the symptoms. A child is best treated with an interdisciplinary team such as the one at St. Louis Children's Hospital. ...

  • Condition


    Stuttering is a speech problem. The normal flow of speech is disrupted. A child who stutters repeats or prolongs sounds, syllables, or words. Stuttering is different from repeating words when learning to speak. Stuttering may make it difficult for a child to communicate with others. ...

  • Condition


    A stye is an inflammation or infection of the eyelid margin. This condition is also called a hordeolum. ...

  • Condition

    Substance Abuse

    Substance abuse is a recognized health disorder. It refers to the abuse of illegal or legal substances. Alcohol is the most common legal drug of abuse. Substance abuse causes serious problems at work, school, in relationships, and with the law. ...

  • Condition

    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

    Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden and unexplained death of a baby younger than 1 year old. SIDS is sometimes called crib death. ...

  • Condition


    What is sunburn? Sunburn is a red, painful skin reaction after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. The skin absorbs UV light from sunlight as well as artificial sources of light such as tanning beds. UV rays can also cause invisible damage to the skin. Excessive ...

  • Condition

    Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis

    Supravalvular aortic stenosis (SVAS) is an uncommon vascular defect causing blood flow obstruction that usually develops in the first few years of life. ...

  • Condition


    Syncope is a brief loss of consciousness and muscle tone that can occur when not enough blood gets to the brain. Syncope is commonly called fainting. ...