Story submitted by Transport Team Member, Dan Wright (photo below)

Dan WrightWhen Jake*, a six-year-old little guy, broke his leg during his first football practice, we rushed to Potosi to get him. The break was so bad that he’d need to have surgery immediately. Even though he was without his mother and scared, he was a trooper through the whole ride and was even able to get some sleep on the way.

Having a Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) stationed in Farmington at Parkland Health Center allows us to be closer to kids who may need to get to Children’s in scary situations.

We just don’t have enough MICUs to cover the region. If one truck is in the shop for repairs, suddenly our ability to get to kids during the Golden Hour of their injury isn’t a sure thing. And it should be.

Some of our missions are about being at the right place at the right time, but sometimes it’s about just getting to the right place at all. Our MICUs are an incredibly important part of our team. They enable us to reach and treat kids like Jake, no matter where they are, no matter what the situation. 

*Not patient's real name.