Conditions & Treatments

Showing 21-30 of 30 results

  • Condition

    Brain Abscess

    An abscess is a pocket of infection. In the brain, an abscess may be in one or more areas. This condition may cause problems with how the brain and spinal cord function. It is a serious and life-threatening condition that needs to be treated right ...

  • Condition

    Brain Tumors

    A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue in the brain. The brain is part of the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS also includes the spinal cord. The main parts of the brain are the Cerebrum, Cerebellum and Brainstem. ...

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    Branchial Cleft Abnormalities

    A branchial cleft abnormality is a cluster of abnormally formed tissue in the neck. Branchial cleft abnormalities may form cysts or sinuses, or fistulas. Branchial cleft abnormalities are usually found in front of the large muscles on either the side of the neck. ...

  • Condition

    Breast Abnormalities

    Breast changes You may have many changes in your breasts as a teen and young adult. Some changes are linked to your period. Others are linked to birth control pills, or to other hormonal forms of birth control. In some cases, changes may happen at ...

  • Condition

    Breastfeeding, Flat or Inverted Nipples

    Techniques for flat or inverted nipples A breastfeeding baby usually has little trouble breastfeeding even if his or her mother's nipples appear to be flattened. A less effective breastfeeder may need some time to figure out how he or she can draw the nipple into ...

  • Condition


    What is bronchiolitis in children? Bronchiolitis is an infection of the lungs. It’s when your child has swelling in the smaller airways (bronchioles) of the lung. This swelling blocks air in the smaller airways. Bronchiolitis usually happens in the winter and early spring. It most ...

  • Condition


    A bruise is a collection of blood underneath the skin that is caused by an injury to an area of the body. The injury causes tiny blood vessels (capillaries) to break. Then blood leaks from the vessels into the nearby tissue. ...

  • Condition

    Bruising or Black Eye (Ecchymosis)

    What is a black eye? A black eye (ecchymosis) often happens from some type of injury to the area around the eye. The injury causes the tissue around the eye to become bruised. Your child's healthcare provider will examine the eye closely. The provider will ...

  • Condition

    Bulimia Nervosa

    Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder. It’s also called bulimia. A child with bulimia overeats or binges uncontrollably. This overeating may be followed by self-induced throwing up (purging). ...

  • Condition


    Burns are a type of injury caused by heat. The heat can be thermal, electrical, chemical, or electromagnetic energy. Most burn accidents happen at home, and about 75% of all burn injuries in children are preventable. ...

Showing 21-30 of 30 results