Conditions & Treatments

  • Condition

    Celiac Disease

    Celiac disease (CD) is a lifelong intolerance to gluten, a protein found in wheat, oats, barley and rye. Gluten damages the lining of the intestine, which can cause malabsorption and a variety of symptoms. ...

  • Condition


    Cellulitis is a spreading skin infection. It may affect the upper skin layer. Or it may affect the deeper skin and layer of fat under the skin. Cellulitis is most common in the lower legs, but it may affect any part of the body. ...

  • Condition

    Cellulitis of the Eye

    When cellulitis occurs in the eyelid and tissues in the front part of the eye area, it’s called pre-septal cellulitis. When it occurs in tissues behind and around the eyeball (orbit), it’s called orbital cellulitis. Both of these conditions are serious. ...

  • Treatment


    本网站提供有关选择性脊神经 背根 切断术(SDR)的最新信息,此项手术是治疗 脑 瘫(CP)的经认可的方法。本网站还载有 St. Louis 儿童医院脑瘫性痉挛中心(Center for Cerebral Palsy Spasticity)的建议。 本网站所载内容乃根据医学文献和我们的丰富经验而编制。自 1987 年首次使用以来, Park 医生已对患有脑瘫痉挛的 2,500 多名儿童和成人实施 SDR 手术,进行治疗。父母和脑瘫病人需完全了解包括 SDR 手术的所有治疗选择。我们希望本网站所载之信息有助您为您的孩子(如果您已为人父母)和为自己(如果您为脑瘫成人病人)做出最佳决策。 脑瘫 痉挛病因 痉挛的流行程度 痉挛的影响 目前对脑瘫痉挛的治疗 联系我们 脑瘫 脑瘫会影响运动和身体姿势,由出生前、出生时或出生后的大脑损伤所致。脑瘫引致的大脑损伤无法恢复,造成终生残疾。尽管医学已取得显著进步,但并未降低脑瘫的发生率,500 名儿童中即有一名受此疾病困扰。 脑瘫治疗方法因病人的年龄不同而各异,有多种方法可供选择。对于需为孩子做出医疗决策的父母而言,确定治疗方法比较困难。父母和病人须咨询其包括物 理治疗师、儿科医师、康复医师(物理治疗师)、神经科医师、神经外科医师和整形外科医师的治疗团队。此外,医学文献和本网站所载信息可能会有所帮助。 痉挛病因 痉 挛即指肌肉张力增强或肌肉绷紧。一般而言,肌肉须具有足够大的张力,才能在提供活动灵活性和速度的同时,排除重力作用,维持姿势或活动。肌肉绷紧或增强肌 肉张力的命令来自肌肉自身通过神经传入脊髓。由于这些神经向脊髓传达肌肉张力大小的信息,因此将其称为感觉神经纤维。实现灵活或减少肌肉张力的命令从大脑 通过神经传入脊髓。这两种命令必须在脊髓中配合良好,以便肌肉在维持力量的同时可顺利轻松地工作。 脑瘫病人会出现大脑损伤。损伤出现在控制肌肉张力和四肢活动的大脑区域,其中原因尚未查明。因此,脑瘫病人的大脑无法使肌肉产生应有的灵活度。来自肌肉本身的命令会绝对优势地支配脊髓,因此造成肌肉过度紧张,或称痉挛。 痉挛的流行程度 约有 80% 的脑瘫病人存在不同程度的痉挛。痉挛可能与 双侧瘫痪、 ...

  • Treatment

    Center for Foot Disorders

    The Center for Foot Disorders at St. Louis Children’s Hospital provides care for all forms of foot deformities — whether a child is born with one (congenital) or develops one later. ...

  • Condition

    Central Alveolar Hypoventilation

    Central alveolar hypoventilation is an inadequate respiratory drive during sleep to maintain normal gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood), which may occur in episodic form in many patients, but in a continuous, more severe form in a small subset of patients. ...

  • Condition

    Central Apnea

    The sleep disorder, central apnea, is the cessation of airflow at the mouth or nose because of a decrease in or absence of respiratory effort. It is most commonly seen in infants or patients with neurologic disorders. ...

  • Condition

    Cerebral Cavernous Malformations

    Cerebral cavernous malformations, also called cerebral cavernomas, are abnormally formed groups of enlarged blood vessels, capillaries and venules in the brain. Oftentimes, these malformations can cause blood flow to the brain to become interrupted and slow drastically. ...

  • Condition

    Cerebral Palsy

    Cerebral palsy (CP) is a broad term that describes a group of neurological (brain) disorders. It is a life-long condition that affects the communication between the brain and the muscles, causing a permanent state of uncoordinated movement and posturing. ...

  • Treatment

    Cerebral Palsy Center

    Our patients with cerebral palsy see a care team, not just one provider. This means more comprehensive care — and less time going to appointments. Learn more about our innovative, whole-child method for caring for children with cerebral palsy. ...