Checklist for School Board

  • Comply with federal and state laws

  • Adopt written policies that include effective practices for managing the risk of food allergy reactions and the response to food allergy emergencies

    • Policies and practices should address competitive foods such as school vending machines, school stores, classroom parties, athletic events, and during after school programs.
    • Policies should address food allergy management on field trips
    • Refer to CDC — Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and Early Care and Education Programs, section 2, pages 45-47.
  • Require standardized procedures that promote consistency of priorities, actions, and options for managing food allergies across the district

  • Require district schools to develop and implement school district food allergy procedures that include applicable state and federal laws

  • Require district food allergy practices to be integrated into the overall district wellness policy which includes annual reporting on implementation of the wellness policy.

  • Best Practice — Require that all Administrators and appropriate staff do the following:

  • Identification of students with food allergies and provision of school health services

  • Every school with a child at risk for anaphylaxis has a registered professional nurse responsible for the development of the Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP), or Emergency Care Plan (ECP)/Food Allergy Action Plan (FAAP).

  • Individual written management plans such as an individual health plan and/or a 504 plan

  • Establish emergency response to life-threatening food allergy including: notifying EMS, defining Roles and responsibilities, providing a means of emergency communication devices, and do not Delay in administering epinephrine

  • Approach to food allergy management should be comprehensive, systematic and coordinated providing a healthy and safe environment

  • Communication and confidentiality

    • Inform all personnel involved in the care of a student diagnosed with a life-threatening food allergy of the student’s written management plan following state and federal privacy/confidentiality laws
    • Inform parents/guardians and students of their procedural/due process rights under state and federal laws
  • Establish emergency response protocols to life-threatening food allergy.

  • Professional development and training on food allergies for all school personnel at least annually

  • Ensure that external vendors and contractors comply with district food allergy policy & applicable laws

  • Ensure that age appropriate food allergy education is included into classroom curriculum

  • Including ducating students on: hand washing, not trading/sharing food, food allergy basics/awareness

  • Educate the student with food allergies on the importance of self-management

  • Provide opportunities for school community education.

  • Review and update food allergy policy at least annually



  • Ensure that all staff receive comprehensive training at least annually.

    • This education and training should include but not limited to the following: 

      1. Learn the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction
      2. How to respond to an allergic reaction
      3. How to use epinephrine auto-injector
      4. District's emergency response protocol
      5. Role specific training may include: food iabel reading, proper cleaning of surfaces equipment, hand washing, and avoiding cross-contact
      6. Social and emotional needs of the student with LTFA and bullying prevention
  • Review

  • Compliance with state and school district policy/procedure at the school building level as well as for all staff including support staff such as facilities, transportation providers and any contracted staff

  • Food allergy policy and practices updated at least annually to:

    • Collect and review data on when and where medication was used and the impact on the affected individual(s). Identify risks, modify policy or practices if needed
    • Incorporate lessons learned
    • Align with current evidenced-based practice on food allergies
    • Verify that health records from the student’s parents/guardians and licensed healthcare providers are current
    • Determine if the appropriate staff received allergy education/training, are competent in performing assigned responsibilities in implementation of emergency response procedures


    National School Boards Association publication, SAFE AT SCHOOL AND READY TO LEARN: A Comprehensive Policy Guide for Protecting Students with Life-threatening Food Allergies, 2011.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and Early Care and Education Programs. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services; 2013.