St. Louis Children’s Hospital’s specialized pediatric hematology programs provide family-centered care and support. From innovative stem cell transplants to programs focused on bleeding disorders and sickle cell disease, we have the treatment options and support that your child and your family need.

Our Pediatric Hematology Programs

Pediatric hematology programs we offer include:

Bleeding Disorders Center

Specialized providers focus on treating children with bleeding and coagulation disorders. We provide you and your family with the ongoing education and support you need to manage these conditions.

Sickle Cell Disease Program

Our sickle cell experts help your child have the best quality of life possible. We offer medication options to manage pain and avoid complications, and stem cell transplants, which may provide a cure.

Stem Cell Transplant for Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia

Stem cell transplants can provide a cure for patients with sickle cell disease and thalassemia. We may harvest stem cells from a related donor, like a sibling, or we may use stem cells from an anonymous matched donor. 

Clinical Trials

Our doctors are leaders in finding new treatments for children with hematological conditions. Research studies conducted here and around the country offer our patients access to the latest treatment options. 

Pediatric Oncology Program

Siteman Kids at St. Louis Children’s Hospital focuses on the unique needs and treatment requirements of our young cancer patients, including children with blood cancers like leukemia.

Pediatric Cancer Support for Families

Supportive services, like counseling and helping children with school, are an important part of our holistic approach to treating children with cancer.  

Make an Appointment

Call 800.678.5437 to make an appointment or request an appointment online.