Conditions & Treatments

Showing 41-49 of 49 results

  • Condition

    Trisomy 18 and 13

    Trisomy 13 and trisomy 18 are genetic disorders. They include a combination of birth defects. This includes severe learning problems and health problems that affect nearly every organ in the body. ...

  • Condition

    Truncus Arteriosus

    Truncus arteriosus is a heart defect that is present at birth (congenital). It occurs when there is an abnormal connection between the aorta and pulmonary artery. Normally, the aorta and the pulmonary artery are separate. ...

  • Condition


    Tuberculosis (TB) is an ongoing (chronic) infection caused by bacteria. It usually infects the lungs. But other organs such as the kidneys, spine, or brain may be affected. TB is most often spread through droplets breathed or coughed into the air. ...

  • Condition

    Tuberous Sclerosis

    Growths, called tubers, are often found growing inside of the brain and retinal area of the eye. Tuberous sclerosis (TS) affects many organs in the body including the brain, spinal cord, lungs, heart, kidneys, skin, and skeletal bones in the child. ...

  • Treatment

    Tuberous Sclerosis Clinic

    The Tuberous Sclerosis Clinic at St. Louis Children's Hospital is one of about 25 Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) clinics in the U.S. dedicated specifically to the care of individuals with TSC. The mission of the TSC Clinic is to provide multi-disciplinary comprehensive care of children ...

  • Condition

    Turner Syndrome

    Turner syndrome (monosomy X or TS) is a genetic disorder that occurs in girls. It causes a variety of traits and problems. Girls with TS are shorter than most girls. They don’t go through normal puberty as they grow into adulthood. They may also have ...

  • Condition

    Type 1 Diabetes

    Diabetes is a condition in which the body can't make enough insulin, or can't use insulin normally. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder. ...

  • Condition

    Type 2 Diabetes

    Diabetes is a condition in which the body can't make enough insulin, or can't use insulin normally. Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder. Insulin is a hormone. ...

  • Condition


    Tyrosinemia is a genetic metabolic disorder that causes the body’s inability to effectively break down the amino acid tyrosine. The inability to breakdown the amino acid is caused by the deficiency of the fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH) enzyme which required for the metabolism of tyrosine. ...

Showing 41-49 of 49 results