As a parent, you have the responsibility to nurture and discipline your children. But don't fret—good intentions go a long way, and a little practical advice can go far, too.

These practical tips can make parenting less of a challenge and more of a reward.

  1. “Catch” your kids doing the right thing. Don’t just notice the bad things—point out the good things your child does. By acting pleasantly surprised, you will positively reinforce good behavior in your child, even when he or she thinks no one is watching.
  2. Communicate about everything. Okay, maybe not everything. But make it a point to talk to your children about anything you feel is important. When kids feel in the loop, they will tend to keep you in the loop, as well.
  3. Be a role model, but don’t be perfect. In fact, part of being a role model is showing your kids how to deal with mistakes. By admitting you’ve done something wrong and asking for forgiveness, you’ll teach them that being honest is more important than being perfect.
  4. Let them take the reins. Children actually crave responsibility, so let your kids make a few decisions with real consequences. Offer advice if they’re unsure.
  5. Show no limit to your love. Teach your children the difference between who they are and what they do by loving them in every situation. Through your unconditional love, you will teach your kids to love themselves, even when they make mistakes.


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