Ponseti method for treating clubfoot and vertical talus

Our team at the Center for Foot Disorders follows the Ponseti method, a non-surgical therapy, for treating clubfoot and vertical talus.

Using the Ponseti method plus proper stretching and use of a brace, most children’s feet can be completely corrected. This method includes:

  • Stretching the foot during an office visit.

  • Applying a series of long-leg casts.

  • Performing a non-invasive surgical heel cord tenotomy to lengthen the Achilles tendon; this procedure is also called heel cord release or an Achilles tenotomy.  

Minimally invasive surgeries

Many foot disorders can be treated successfully without surgery. However, some foot disorders may require surgery. Whenever possible, we perform these surgeries minimally invasively. Minimally invasive surgeries typically mean less pain and faster recovery for your child.

Convenient imaging services

To make the overall process faster, we have on-site imaging services that provide quick and accurate results.

Getting to the root of foot issues

Some foot disorders, including cavus foot, can be caused by an underlying issue. For instance, when cavus foot is a result of a neurological disorder like muscular dystrophy, it is more likely to get progressively worse. In these cases, our team works closely with pediatric neurologists to discover and treat any underlying disease.

Clinical research

Our team conducts on-going research to provide better care and treatment for foot disorders. This research as led to pioneering treatments. Our ultimate goal is to find ways to prevent clubfoot and other foot disorders.