You might think your son or daughter is too little to reach the remote or find your stash of spare change, but the truth is, where there’s a will, there’s a way. Childproof your home to protect your child from illness and injury.

When babies begin to crawl and toddlers begin to walk, they are exposed to a whole new world. One of the best ways to be sure you’ve effectively childproofed your home is to get down on their level—yep, crawl around on your hands and knees to view the world from your child’s eyes. You may notice potential dangers such as:

  • Electrical cords
  • Loose coins
  • Low-hanging drapes/blind cords
  • Outlets without covers
  • Paper clips or other small items

“Some of the most common choking hazards are things left lying on the floor and out of normal view,” says Jane Adler, RN, community educator at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. “Even the best-kept homes have places that little hands can get to and the vacuum can’t.”

Hold It in Place
Even if you have older children who are unlikely to put foreign objects in their mouths, certain household items can pose a danger. When children are learning to climb and walk, they may grab bookcases and entertainment centers as they toddle along. Be sure these items and televisions, especially flat screens that are often wobbly and top heavy, are strapped into place with appropriate hardware.

How safe is your home? Visit Safety Stop for a home safety consult. Call 314.454.KIDS (5437) or 800.678.KIDS for an appointment.


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