Though your children may try to spend most of spring break in front of a television, tablet or smartphone, you can help them build healthy habits and happy memories with the following activities.

Explore Exercise
Children who are age 6 or older should get at least one hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. Luckily, there are plenty of opportunities for your children to be active during spring break. If organized sports like soccer or baseball don’t interest your children, try exposing them to martial arts or dance classes. For some, unstructured playtime outdoors will be enough to keep them busy.

Try to do activities together and set a good example for your children. Family bike rides and walks are great ways to take advantage of the spring weather.

Food Fun
Getting children to eat healthier might be easier if you let them help prepare their meals and snacks. Chop up some fruits and vegetables for your young ones and let them create a spring scene on their plates with cucumber grass blades, orange slice suns and fruit slice flower petals. If they’re old enough, let your children help prepare dinner during spring break.

You can also create a small garden at home that your children can tend. Even if you don’t have a lot of space, you can create a small spice garden or grow certain food items inside. Garlic and celery can both be grown in small containers, such as coffee cans.

Free For All
Some children just need to get out of the house every now and then. For a fun, free activity, try taking your children to the local library. Some libraries may host book readings or other events during spring break. Make sure everyone in the family has a library card to encourage reading in your household.

Volunteering is another good spring break activity, especially if you have older children. Look for local programs that fit your children’s interests. Animal shelters, conservation groups and mentor programs can help your children pass the time while giving back to the community.