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Mom Docs

From Percocet to Heroin, the changing face of adolescent drug use

I never learned about heroin in my pediatric residency. I didn’t need to—I never treated a patient with heroin dependency ...

Mom Docs

Your Child Has Acne: Some Tips on Saving Face

Many experts say everyone will experience acne at some point in their lifetime. Although acne has been widely viewed as ...

Mom Docs

Universal HIV Testing for Teens

It’s always an awkward moment when, in the ER, I ask teens about sexuality or risk of pregnancy. I can ...

Mom Docs

Preventing Constipation

Constipation: Just the sound of the word is enough to make most of us uncomfortable. But, did you know that ...

Mom Docs

Acid Reflux: When is it more than just spit up?

Spitting up is a common complaint during infancy. My daughter would spit up after each feeding. She was exclusively breast ...

Mom Docs

Molluscum: What is this bumpy skin rash?

What is it? Molluscum contagiosum is a common rash in children and young adults that is caused by a viral ...

Mom Docs

Burns: Prevention and Treatment

As a hospitalist physician at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, I often work in the PAWS unit, which is our burn ...

Mom Docs

Eating Disorders in Teenaged Boys

When a parent learns that a son has an eating disorder, the news can be not only painful but also ...

Mom Docs

Recognizing developmental delay

The first three years of a child’s life are an amazing time of development – and what happens during those ...