antibioticsSince 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Get Smart About Antibiotics campaign – often referred to as “Get Smart” – has been at the forefront of efforts to educate healthcare providers, patients and the public about the importance of appropriate antibiotic use and combating the threat of antibiotic resistance.

In recent years, conversations about antibiotics have evolved and there is ever-growing interest in topics like antibiotic use and resistance.

Be Antibiotics Aware features targeted messaging and relevant materials to meet the increasing demand for resources and information about antibiotics.

The CDC is urging stakeholders to join efforts to raise awareness about the importance of safe antibiotic prescribing and use. The new Be Antibiotics Aware initiative provides resources to help improve antibiotic prescribing among healthcare professionals, focusing on prescribing antibiotics only when needed, and at the right dose for the right duration and at the right time.

Be Antibiotics Aware features a number of resources to help healthcare professionals (in both outpatient and inpatient settings) educate patients and families about antibiotic use and risks for potential side effects.

For more information, call Children’s Direct at 800.678.HELP (4357), or download a copy of the Pediatric Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship Toolkit, which includes links to helpful tools and resources pertinent to patient care settings.