Ensuring equal access to quality health care

It’s often said that two heads are better than one – the additional perspective brings another dimension to our thinking. In this manner, celebrating and embracing diversity and creating an inclusive environment are vital to our success, as it takes many perspectives from people of different backgrounds to address the needs of a diverse population.

Embracing Diversity means:

  • Understanding the benefit of having many perspectives
  • Respecting and appreciating varying world views associated with differences in in race, ethnicity, language, gender, gender identity, age, socioeconomic class, national origin, mental and physical impairment, sexual orientation, education and religion
  • Acknowledging any other characteristic that makes us wonderfully different from each other

Practicing Inclusion means:

  • Ensuring that all people, regardless of their differences, are heard, respected, appreciated and included as part of the culture of our institution
  • Providing patients from all backgrounds with equal access to high quality care delivered with a respectful attitude toward different points of view
  • Ensuring a thriving work environment for staff where they are respected, acknowledged, and appreciated, regardless of their differences.

Eliminating Health Disparities means:

  • Working with community partners, families and staff to honor diversity and inclusive practices in order to advance the goal of better health outcomes for all
  • Understanding exactly who our patients are and what is important to them, by asking—not assuming—so we can provide the best possible care
  • Listening to and trusting patients and families from all backgrounds, integrating their perspectives into the clinical care plan to produce better health outcomes

St. Louis Children’s Hospital is a national leader in pediatric health that has treated patients from more than 80 countries, while at the same time standing as a hometown hospital to people in the St. Louis region.  To serve this diverse population, we’re committed to recruiting and retaining a talented, culturally competent, diverse workforce, which is central to our goal of providing equitable, accessible health care for all patients.