When a child is first diagnosed with diabetes, a parent's natural lack of experience with this condition often leads to a host of questions and concerns about a child's healthy future. In the beginning, diabetes can seem like a looming hill of never-ending worries.

In our meetings we offer families living with diabetes an opportunity to connect and talk about this unexpected hurdle. Parents new to daily life with diabetes may find it worthwhile to join together on this unfamiliar journey and be guided by the knowledge of more experienced parents. Children and teens with diabetes may find it helpful to meet others living day-to-day with diabetes. With support, diabetes is revealed as a manageable condition that does not have to be the cause of endless worries and obstacles.

Upcoming Meetings

August 6, 2020: Virtual Roundtable - Back to School and Type 1 Diabetes


As you may have heard or suspected Camp EDI will not be held this year. In its place will be a virtual camp! This camp is a 9 week program where kids will be given diabetes-related games and activities to do at home including competitions and challenges; they will be put into virtual cabins that meet for discussions and activities a few times per week on line, and there will be educational sessions and celebrity interviews on youtube or some other platform. The program is free and will utilize a large national corps of volunteers; you may see some familiar faces!

Find more information at diabetes.org/imaginecamp or contact [email protected].


For Information: To learn more about our meetings and sign up for events, please contact Beth Alseth and Maureen Burch, Diabetes Educators, at 314.454.2266.